Hey! My name is Dave, I started formally studying philosophy in 2017 and have taken over 20 philosophy courses (at time of writing) since then. I have also written plenty on medium as well as published on PhilArchive. I also operate Five Minute Philosophy on facebook, a page for philosophy memes and quick ideas.
I work as a teacher for my local school district (subjects change) and I have intentions of someday teaching at the community college level. Though, they always say to shoot for the moon, and you can still end up a star. So I am pretty open about that, especially when I can still be a teacher. If I can't teach philosophy at the community college level, I would love to teach it at the high school level, though this is a rare class to find in high schools. I also just enjoy being a teacher as a whole.
If you found this page, then I am glad you found my content interesting enough to learn about me, now lets get writing!