"Because there are only two possibilities, if you say it’s a blue ball, you have also said, inevitably, that it’s not a red ball. In the same vein, if you say it’s a blue ball, you have said, inevitably that it is not a red ball because the ball in my hand cannot be blue and red at the same time and must be blue or red."
I must contest that one should never assume that because they are guessing it is a blue ball means that we are saying it is not a red ball. We are guessing because we are made to guess. This does not mean we don't already know it could be the opposite. In the ball case, where there is no way to tell, one at best would need to withhold judgment as the two options are imperceptible.
I am not an atheist, but I do think this does not work. Not to mention, in real life there are several different balls, and bags of balls, there are different theistic traditions, and ways of seeing (the) God(s).
Ultimately, thanks for the interesting read.